Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology

07. New urban centralities: towards a global urban studies

Organizer: Tony Roshan Samara (a), Xuefei Ren (b) (a: George Mason University, b: Michigan State University)

Session 07.1 Contested development in the global south

Nathan Marom (UC-Berkeley)
Global urban knowledge, planning and inequality: Between the World Bank and global South cities

Federico Pérez (Harvard University)
Re-centering the City: Local Genealogies of Urban Redevelopment in Bogotá, Colombia

Liza Weinstein (Northeastern University)
The Entrenched City: Institutional Fragmentations and the Right to Stay Put

Aditya Mohanty (Central University of Bihar)
Towards a Deleuzian Critique of Civil Society in Neo-liberal Delhi

Susan S. Fainstein (a), Norman Fainstein (b) (a: Harvard University, b: Connecticut College)
Public Housing in Hong Kong and Singapore

David Sadoway, Govind Gopakumar (Concordia University)
Critical urban infrastructure(s): applying critical methods in an integrated analysis of urban decongestion assemblages in India

Session 07.2 New urban centralities

Michael Timberlake (a), David A. Smith (b) (a: University of Utah, b: UC-Davis)
Exploring World Urban Networks: Connections, Centralities and Changing Geographies

Roger Keil (York University)
Defying peripherality: Making new centres of meaning in post-suburbia

J. Miguel Kanai (University of Miami)
The Building of Global Manaus and Production of New Urban Peripheries in Amazonia

Martin Murray (University of Michigan)
Cities of the South, Spatial reconfigurations: Sondo, Tatu City, and Buenos Aires

Johanna Hoerning (Goethe-University/Frankfurt)
Spatial Configuration, Political Conception, and Social Production of Centralities

Roger Keil (York University, Toronto)
Revisiting Southern cities as centers of accumulation: evidence from urban property development and capitalist trans/formation in Manila and Ho Chi Minh City


Joel Stillerman (a), Jennifer Parker Talwar (b), Rodrigo Salcedo (c) (a: Grand Valley State, b: Penn State University, c: Universidada Catolica del Maule)
Glocalizing Malls in the Global South: Shopping Centers, Cities, and Consumers in Chile, Turkey, and India

Shan He (University of West Australia)
A Density Challenge: Hangzhou's Approach of New Town Oriented at High-Speed Rail

Tammy Wong (ETH Center for Global Environmental Sustainability)
An “unsettling” centrality: the struggles of Wedding Card street and Queen’s Pier in Hong Kong

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