Resourceful cities
Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013
Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and Regional Sociology

16. Resilience cities and the crisis: Local responses, governance and citizen actions

Organizer: Marc Martí-Costa (a), Dimitra Siatitsa (b) (a: Autonomous University of Barcelona, b: National Technical University of Athens)

Session 16.1 Resilience cities and the crisis: Local responses, governance and citizen actions

Angela Garcia (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Crisis and urban resilience in Spain

Chiara Rabbiosi (Politecnico di Milano)
Civic networks and urban regeneration ‘from the bottom up’: towards a new framework for understanding urban policies? Evidence from Milan, Italy.

Rafael Balanzo (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
From urban sustainability to urban resilience: Comparison between two neighbourhoods: El Coll and Vallcarca

Bettina Köhler (a), Franziska Lind (b), Johannes Puchleitner (c) Mara Verlic (d), Felix Wiegand (e) (a: University of Vienna, b: Technical University of Vienna, c: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, d: Technical University of Vienna, e) Goethe University Frankfurt)
Resilience capacities and contradictions of neoliberal “Red Vienna” in the context of crisis

Elena Besussi (University College London)
Asset-rich and income-poor: emerging mixed modes of urban governance under fiscal crisis

RT 16.1 Resilience cities and the crisis: Local responses, governance and citizen actions

Ares Kalandides (a), Dina Vaiou (b) (a: Humboldt University Berlin, b: National Technical University of Athens)
Claiming urban space: micro-geographies of collective action in Athens

Marc Pradel Miquel (University of Barcelona)
Crops in the city: agricultural activity as a form of resilience in  the metropolitan context

Anna Casaglia (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Is the right to the city a new claim of urban social movements in times of crisis? Filling the gap between protesters’ discourse and scholars’ representations

Eleni Triantafyllopoulou, Dimitris Poulios, John Sayas (National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Crisis and the collapse of the Welfare State: The different facets of solidarity

Andres Walliser (Juan March Institute, Madrid)
New Urban Activisms in Spain: reclaiming place from public space through social and cultural intervention.

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