Governing Metropolitan Cities / STREAM G – Governing cities

Organizer: Patrick Le Galès (Sciences Po, CNRS, Centre d’études européennes, FR).


What is governed in large metropolis, what is not governed and who benefits?

By going beyond rational or positivist views of governance, the process of governing a city is never fully complete, nor linear. Urban societies, urban economies are more or less governed, for instance some sectors are governed, some others are not; informal/illegal activities are not governed, informal markets, gangs… and that may change from one city to the next, from one period to the next.

Processes of government and governance are always work in progress, but make crucial differences over time. Studying the limits and discontinuities of government and governance is essential to understandings of governance processes in large metropolises as modes of governance have long term consequences for their inhabitants, and governing failures may have severe negative effects in terms of inequalities (e.g. housing shortages, low levels of educational attainment, crime, low productivity, health).

Papers in this session will tackle the questions of governance and government looking at the different actors (formal and informal; private and public), coalitions of interests’ network, veto-groups, élite playing in the large urban metropolis, how these actors exercise their power, the policy instruments they use, and the effects on the population.

The session is looking for papers with original results and grounded on empirical research dealing with the following questions in different large metropolitan cities of the global South and North:

  • Who governs? For whom?
  • Who is governed? What is governed?
  • How does government work, policy instruments
  • What is not governed?
  • Who governs when nobody governs?
  • The dark side of governance

G5.1 Governing Metropolitan Cities

Chair: Vicente Ugalde (Colegio de México)


Marianna D’Ovidio, Valentina Pacetti
Who governs the fashion industry in Milan

Telma Hoyler
Real estate development and interest intermediation in Sao Paolo

Eduardo Marques
What is not governed” concerning the virtual communities through Social Media

Carla Huisman
Non-Enforcement as a Technique of Governance

Fabio Quassoli, Monica Colombo and Andrea Molteni
Governing through security? Institutional discourse, practices, and policies in the metropolitan city of Milan

Distributed papers

Dennis Zuev
The powerful coalition behind development of urban mobility in China

Bokyong Shin
City branding and urban governance: A comparative study of World Design Capital in Seoul and Helsinki

G5.2 Governing Metropolitan Cities

Chair: Patrick Le Galès (Sciences Po, CNRS, Centre d’études européennes)


Francesco Findeisen
Infrastructure as Aspect of Urban Governance

Marc Pradel, Fernando Díaz Orueta, Maria Luisa Lourés and Santiago Eizaguirre Anglada
Changing models for growth? Governance of large metropolitan regions in Spain

Matthew Idiculla
Who Governs the City? The Powerlessness of City Governments and the Transformation of Governance in Bangalore

Enrico Gualini, Carola Fricke
Who governs’ the Berlin metropolitan region? The strategic-relational construction of metropolitan space in Berlin-Brandenburg spatial and economic development policies

Vicente Ugalde
what is governed and not governed in Mexico

Distributed papers

Jellinek Csaba
Rescaling the governance of urban marginality: The ’Europeanization’ of urban regeneration policies in Budapest

Anthony Boanada Fuchs
Grey Governance – The dark and light side of everyday urban planning in Ahmedabad

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